This form is to be completely filled out and digitally submitted by parent or legal guardian before any child or youth under the age of 18 may be transported b y church staff or volunteers for any church event. Permission will remain active until revoked by parent of legal guardian. It is the responsiblilty of the parent or guardian to inform the church of any changes. If a child is dropped off for an event requiring transportation, that is considered permission for that particular event.

Parent or Guardian:

Please list all children of your household who have your permission to be transported by church staff and volunteers for church events. Please note that the church van, rental vehicles, and personal vehicles all may be used for the transportation of groups.

I hereby give my permission for all the children listed above to ride the car or other vehicles used for church functions. I understand that my children will be under adult supervision. I further understand that by submitting this form with the digital signature below, I release and hold harmless Westsdie Community Church of Lethbridge and all other church related functions. By submitting this form, I release and hold harmless its trustees, officers, employees, interns, and any volunteers from any liability, past or future, fully and completely. I authorize the staff or designated medical professionals and/or volunteers to administer emergency medical assistance if I cannot be reached.

Emergency Contact #1 Details:

Emergency Contact #2 Details:

Please note: Before a child may be transported a copy of the Emergency Contact List must also be on file with the church, and will be taken to all church functions.